You may have noticed that monstrosity at the back. It was supposed to be some sort of egg-collecting machine. Originally it looks like a giant fire-hydrant with a hole in the middle. I really didn't think this was very interesting and thought that it could be made into something more than just a piece of scenery. I had this idea of making it look like some kind of monster which looked as if it was devouring the eggs. What I had in my head was something like a demon fireplace, and this was the basis of its design. It is actually animated, with the two pistons at either sides pumping up and down in an alternating pattern. I'll get into this more later. Back to the barn.
What you'll see below are some test renders of the barn fully textured.

These are just some preliminary lighting tests that i was messing around with. I was trying to get a really moody low-light feel.

My idea was to try and create a Tim Burton-esque sort of look. Very atmospheric, with lots of low intensity lights highlighting key spots of the scene. I think shadows is a major factor that needs to be played with here, but it's tricky trying to get that type of effect whilst still trying to show as much of then environment as possible.

The image above is a render from the main chicken coop, so this would be the main character's view of the rest of the barn from his cage.

This one was just me messing around with the whole light and shadow thing, relying more on the specularity of the objects rather than the actual light to define the scene. I made it black and white in photoshop cause I thought it looked cool. That's pretty much it. Looks nice though. I think.
Ahhh, the notorious demon egg eating machine that lives at the back of the barn. As I said before it was originally was just meant to be some sort of machine that collects the eggs from the conveyor belt, but I thought this was too boring. I may not be able to corrupt the cute and cudliness of this film into a Silent Hill/ texas Chainsaw Massacre-esque film, but I can damn well try. This little monster is my contribution and personal attempt to drag this film away from the sickeningly cute/funny/giggley/full of gags/slapstick comedy lump of turd that's no diferent to the countless sickeningly cute/gigley/full of gags/slapstick comedy, lumps of turds already out there! In effect, this is my expression of disgust towards the cute fluff that seems to be circulating out there. (If they'd only allowed me the use of blood and gore! But alas, my laments go unheard.)
Anyway, the image above is the finished model, fully textured and everything. There is actually a piece of graffitti on it that says "feed me!" but you can't see it cause it's behind some other geometry. Bad texturing on my part. Consider it an easter egg. For you uneducated heathens, an 'easter egg' is a piece of information or little joke that developers usually hide in a game wating to be discovered by some unwitting gamer.
More rendering tests. Nuff said.
What your bulging man-eyes will see below should you take the time to waste enough energy to scroll down are some renders of random pieces of machinery that will clutter the interior of the barn. Don't ask what they do for god sake, I made em' up as I modelled them, suffice to say that they do things.

The image above, is the main chicken coop. I remodelled this with higher detail and polycount as it's going to be seen from a close range. Things that were just bump maps on other coops are actual geometry on this one. Cause it's special. Unlike you.